请投票支持我们的节点 alohabosprod!

The Community Proxy

If you help the community, This proxy helps you!

BOS Mainnet
账号 BOS: 10
已被代理投票数 BOS: 33
总数量 BOS: 43
总数量 BOS 衰减: 41
总数量 BOS 投票衰减百分比: 96.38%
候选人得票数量: 16
被代理投票账户的总数量: 2


This proxy will vote for teams that we believe contribute in a major way to the EOS community. We put a lot of weight in running a full history API node.


This proxy is started to encourage BPs to participate in the community projects and to put forth tools that will assist the community at large.


排名 名字 国家
20 Aloha EOS US  
189 Attic Lab UA  
30 BOS Authority GB  
5 BOS Rio 💙 BR  
60 bosmatrix123
183 CryptoLions 🦁 UA  
12 EOS Asia KY  
187 EOS Cafe Block CA  
7 EOS Nation CA  
34 EOS42 KY  
16 eosDAC GB  
186 eosnewyorkio
51 hkbos HK  
181 nebulablocks
4 starteosiobp
6 Sw/eden🌿 SE  


BOS BOS 衰减 衰减%
rupfektdfzko 30.4031 29 96.96%
imcoachbjork 3.0000 3 95.81%