请投票支持我们的节点 alohaeosprod!

🌐Good Guys 4 EOS Proxy🌐

Looking Out For The Best Block Producers

EOS Mainnet
账号 EOS: 4
已被代理投票数 EOS: 5,675
总数量 EOS: 5,679
总数量 EOS 衰减: 2,369
总数量 EOS 投票衰减百分比: 41.71%
候选人得票数量: 30
被代理投票账户的总数量: 44


We vote for BPs who (1) have received below 1% of total network votes, (2) adhere to the {{ regproducer }} agreement, (3) adhere to the Constitution, (4) actively participate in the EOS community and (5) we are engaged with on community benefiting projects and initiatives.


This proxy is maintained by EOSphere. Based in Australia, we are focussed on uniting the EOS community and serving the entire EOSphere through provision of infrastructure, governance and community benefit initiatives.


排名 名字 国家
39 Aloha EOS US  
13 AtticLab UA  
11 binancestake KY  
83 boid.com ES  
3 bp.defi JP  
69 costaricaeos CR  
28 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
23 Detroit Ledger... US  
21 EOS Asia KY  
38 EOS Authority GB  
64 EOS Cafe Block CA  
18 EOS Nation CA  
27 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
16 EOS Titan BG  
30 eos42freedom DE  
37 EOSAmsterdam NL  
66 EOSArgentina AR  
85 eosBarcelona ES  
19 eoscannonchn KY  
68 eosDAC CH  
70 eosDublin IE  
17 EOSphere AU  
1 GenerEOS AU  
14 Greymass CA  
78 hkeoshkeosbp HK  
5 Newdex KY  
88 Sentnl GB  
71 sheos21sheos ES  


EOS EOS 衰减 衰减%
geytsnbrgene 2,688.2266 173 6.45%
eosphereiobp 638.9946 72 11.31%
he3dgmjtgene 502.8037 452 89.90%
gizdmobqgege 487.0214 438 89.90%
willytwaless 354.3310 319 89.90%
hezdenbqgmge 201.0033 181 89.90%
ha2tsmzxgage 173.7672 169 97.04%
chrispollard 110.8130 99 89.77%
sheltoneos55 106.0000 100 94.67%
account45454 90.1221 81 89.90%
marklockett1 57.0000 54 94.81%
g4ydimjygige 50.0001 49 97.12%
geydcnrsgage 42.0002 39 91.73%
ha4donztgene 24.5670 20 83.02%
gu3dsnzrgige 22.0001 20 89.90%
gyztenbxgmge 16.9517 15 90.03%
plantsplus24 16.5067 16 95.64%
gqzdsnzwguge 14.6383 13 89.77%
guydinbzguge 14.5339 1 6.45%
tokentrader1 10.8012 10 95.34%
gi4tsnrtgage 6.1869 6 89.77%
ge4tgojtgige 5.0000 5 96.92%
gyztcmzvgige 5.0000 5 96.92%
gyztcmzwgege 5.0000 5 96.92%
dandannadnad 4.8973 5 95.81%
emanateaudio 4.1507 4 95.64%
tankmanager1 2.4238 1 39.74%
maytheeosbwy 2.2000 2 95.64%
gi3denjygige 2.0000 2 95.87%
gq3dmnrwhage 2.0000 2 91.95%
gu2dqnrygage 2.0000 2 97.88%
joelsawesome 2.0000 2 96.52%
tankmanager2 2.0000 1 39.74%
runaway.ex 1.6780 2 95.75%
unrgowolfpac 1.5426 1 95.75%
ha4dqmigenes 1.2736 1 79.26%
gqzdamzwgege 1.0000 1 91.51%
gm4tkojsgege 0.6983 1 97.37%
y32i1eyo114g 0.6000 1 97.12%
arcchaezdrop 0.4087 0 97.04%
gi2dinrugqge 0.2559 0 89.20%
heytcnzqgige 0.2248 0 96.18%
jcumberland1 0.2000 0 96.52%
gvbeze2roivn 0.0500 0 89.20%