请投票支持我们的节点 alohaeosprod!

The Starkness

Night gathers, and now my watch begins

EOS Mainnet
账号 EOS: 5
已被代理投票数 EOS: 19,413
总数量 EOS: 19,418
总数量 EOS 衰减: 3,455
总数量 EOS 投票衰减百分比: 17.79%
候选人得票数量: 27
被代理投票账户的总数量: 138


In a world of sharks and whales, who will fight for real value creation and justice? Introducing The Starkness, the voting bloc for real builders, who quietly solve the hardest problems in EOS. We will fight to shine a light on those who work, often outside the spotlight, to help EOS realize its potential as the backbone of a brave, new world. The Starkness proxy focuses on BPs who are compliant, transparent, and continuously adding value to the network and whose efforts may currently be overlooked. Each staked vote consists of a BP that has enriched the EOS community with their tools, community discourse engagement, reinvestments and guidance. Meticulously chosen with an emphasis on ‘underdog’ BPs, whose current vote count does not fully capture their overall contribution to the EOS ecosystem. We are a cooperative group of women and men from around the world, connected by our passion for blockchain, EOS, decentralized governance, technical innovation, social progress and freedom.


Blockchain holds the promise to remove the rent seeking middlemen and free our world from the bonds of mental slavery. The Starkness is a taskforce of like-minded individuals who focus on solving real challenges because they need to be solved, not for the glory. We call on the true believers and BUIDLRS who want to see EOS achieve its ambitious agenda to join us. We believe in applying BP rotations, in a way that allows the stand-by BPs to present their readiness. While others talk and self-promote, we seek problems to fix. This is our passion, this is who we are, we are Stark.


排名 名字 国家
30 Aloha EOS US  
15 atticlabeosb UA  
664 chainriftxxx SI  
53 cochainworld CN  
35 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
677 cypherglasss US  
21 Detroit Ledger... US  
29 EOS Authority GB  
59 EOS Cafe Block CA  
20 EOS Nation CA  
27 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
11 EOS Titan BG  
31 EOS42 DE  
5 eoscannonchn KY  
64 eosDAC CH  
8 eosflytomars JP  
49 eoshenzhenio CN  
9 eosinfstones
672 eosliquideos IL  
128 eosminergate CA  
676 eosnewyorkio CK  
678 eosswedenorg SE  
671 eostribeprod US  
91 eosyskoreabp KR  
75 hkeoshkeosbp HK  
63 NodeONE☝️ KR  
71 sheos21sheos ES  


EOS EOS 衰减 衰减%
qanfnsqsvruo 17,059.8150 1,726 10.11%
hfqchpyecndk 950.2003 926 97.41%
chriscrypto1 322.3392 181 56.24%
giytemzxgege 200.1360 113 56.24%
larstereosio 103.0217 58 56.24%
haytsmjqgmge 90.4001 51 56.24%
chorviecroin 56.0001 31 56.24%
jorelkrypton 49.8654 28 56.24%
gmyteobugene 47.8799 27 56.24%
gy3dsobrg4ge 44.3435 25 56.24%
heytanbsgqge 42.2172 24 56.24%
yangmingm.tp 41.0102 23 56.24%
giytcnjuguge 34.5100 19 56.24%
pumipumipumi 34.0956 19 56.24%
testdeposit1 31.2827 18 56.24%
chaogamingco 29.6753 28 93.14%
g42demrwgqge 28.8728 16 56.24%
ha2dombzgege 28.0111 16 56.24%
g4zdmobxgage 19.6280 11 56.24%
lamarcanunes 12.1334 7 56.24%
uixcernmdjhf 11.0002 6 56.24%
praxgezprcyr 10.4449 6 56.24%
gregtjosvold 10.0001 10 97.76%
davencixufan 9.1501 5 56.24%
suckmydickyo 8.0002 4 56.24%
jonnyray43o5 8.0000 3 38.11%
gqztcmbxgage 7.9721 4 56.24%
streefkerkkp 6.8001 4 56.24%
nkuiyfcvbnmo 6.2140 3 56.24%
long11111115 6.0024 0 1.32%
sirvancelot1 5.5001 3 56.24%
gy3domrwg4ge 5.2002 3 56.24%
eoszhaoyuwei 5.0102 3 56.24%
klaastimmers 5.0001 3 56.24%
eosshow12345 4.1315 2 56.24%
johnnybsavin 3.8707 2 56.24%
gyzteojtgyge 3.8270 2 56.24%
heshuai33qjm 3.5007 3 96.92%
wrydq12345op 3.5001 2 56.24%
g4ydambsgege 3.3331 2 56.24%
johnnybgoood 3.0200 3 92.67%
eoseoseose12 3.0004 2 56.24%
eostradingac 3.0001 2 56.24%
aliahrosario 2.8881 2 56.24%
supercalifra 2.7502 2 56.24%
midmaneosone 2.5001 1 56.24%
z13145254133 2.1601 2 84.53%
dappbirds555 2.1159 1 56.24%
guzdcojwgige 2.0002 1 56.24%
sddssd111111 2.0002 1 56.24%
gi2dqmzwhage 2.0001 1 56.24%
gm3tsmigenes 2.0001 1 56.24%
a3thmkugmmge 1.7238 1 56.24%
baqiangwyc22 1.6155 1 56.24%
guoxia333333 1.6001 2 97.76%
schwarteneos 1.5801 1 56.24%
yuan24354351 1.4280 1 56.24%
g44dqmbwgage 1.2719 1 56.24%
jessyblock21 1.1930 1 97.76%
kdidndkdldjx 1.0462 1 97.54%
mumueos12345 1.0201 1 56.24%
eoqwxptzbzwr 1.0102 1 56.24%
gmytenruguge 1.0002 1 56.24%
buzech452312 1.0001 1 56.24%
daveismyname 1.0001 1 56.24%
gyzdkmztgyge 1.0001 1 56.24%
shefa5555555 1.0001 1 56.24%
luckgrasseos 0.8100 1 93.32%
memtripblock 0.8003 0 56.24%
gq3denztgqge 0.7967 0 56.24%
eosgenerate1 0.7889 0 26.40%
brattinesses 0.7601 0 56.24%
eosbtceoseth 0.6002 0 56.24%
noronoro3434 0.6002 0 56.24%
eosaccountzz 0.6001 0 56.24%
peosteambank 0.6001 0 56.24%
yangfujie123 0.5575 0 56.24%
g4ztgnrygqge 0.5207 0 56.24%
picturenorth 0.5042 0 56.24%
ha3tmmjtgmge 0.5002 0 56.24%
lykgxq122512 0.3101 0 56.24%
sunyu1111111 0.3002 0 56.24%
zhuxunqiao11 0.2302 0 56.24%
eoseoseosccc 0.2114 0 56.24%
odpkandqojgz 0.2102 0 56.24%
extrememe123 0.2049 0 56.24%
sunyinnan123 0.2002 0 56.24%
bewtsrckt4wx 0.2001 0 56.24%
chengfei1212 0.2001 0 97.76%
eosepitomeee 0.2001 0 56.24%
euphorical.x 0.2001 0 97.76%
g4ydknzygene 0.2001 0 56.24%
haohaoxuexi3 0.2001 0 56.24%
rengmlj12345 0.2001 0 56.24%
tangcheng523 0.2001 0 56.24%
scottbuszard 0.2000 0 56.24%
mduduzieos11 0.1950 0 97.08%
maximilianye 0.1903 0 56.24%
qaubi.ftw 0.1901 0 56.24%
1beauxyeux12 0.1517 0 56.24%
gu4dcnzugyge 0.1391 0 56.24%
xudongran555 0.1101 0 56.24%
gmytembrhage 0.1001 0 56.24%
chenzhenzhen 0.0898 0 56.24%
joshuatsmith 0.0508 0 56.24%
kiriseven124 0.0501 0 56.24%
eoswooningss 0.0401 0 56.24%
minstrels.m 0.0211 0 56.24%
lei155233.m 0.0201 0 56.24%
untilinstant 0.0201 0 56.24%
13254414pfyx 0.0102 0 56.24%
1wl1t1wl2t2a 0.0102 0 56.24%
5prf11nri.tp 0.0102 0 56.24%
cifijack1111 0.0102 0 56.24%
jack34455.tp 0.0102 0 56.24%
liaogang1234 0.0102 0 56.24%
lnning123451 0.0102 0 56.24%
lovemary1.tp 0.0102 0 56.24%
mytokenimeos 0.0102 0 56.24%
oipca2hpkmrs 0.0102 0 56.24%
pengkedongdd 0.0102 0 56.24%
qrjjkpg43gwo 0.0102 0 56.24%
revqiwmqe1zt 0.0102 0 56.24%
sjaookf1duih 0.0102 0 56.24%
swdviicak.tp 0.0102 0 56.24%
yuluoyang.tp 0.0102 0 56.24%
yzr135yan.tp 0.0102 0 56.24%
ghyghyghy135 0.0101 0 96.88%
junge1234.tp 0.0101 0 97.15%
gq4danzxgqge 0.0096 0 56.24%
picturesouth 0.0060 0 56.24%
hobohercules 0.0021 0 31.15%
chainmanigch 0.0002 0 56.24%
chinaeosdapp 0.0002 0 56.24%
g43dknrugene 0.0002 0 56.24%
gq4damjsgige 0.0002 0 56.24%
prafhcqujuml 0.0002 0 56.24%
4apxozkji1wm 0.0001 0 97.76%