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EOS Mainnet
账号 EOS: 5
已被代理投票数 EOS: 391
总数量 EOS: 396
总数量 EOS 衰减: 210
总数量 EOS 投票衰减百分比: 53.07%
候选人得票数量: 12
被代理投票账户的总数量: 56



Make effort to establish a knowledge-driven-community, actively participate in the Cybernetic politics in EOS, try our best to solve the Economic problems based on cooperative games. Stand no compromise with perpetrator and show no mercy to evil.


eos少数派报告 eos Minority Report

English speakers could just call me Maia. Basicly, I’m a Calculus and Statistic teacher with, of course, math and actuary background. I am not sure whether would I violate any rule if I just call out my education organization's name, even though there are lots of community members have already known that. I am a follower of data, explorer of lateral thinking and critic of centralization.


Officialsite c u soon~马上与你相见,可以先来我的星球做客。


排名 名字 国家
29 EOS42 DE  
672 eoscanadacom
19 eoscannonchn KY  
3 EOSeoul KR  
75 eosiomeetone SG  
8 eoslaomaocom
661 eosmedinodes ES  
50 eospaceioeos CN  
105 eospacificbp
205 eosraychains
127 eosunion1111
7 starteosiobp CN  


EOS EOS 衰减 衰减%
lkyeos111111 64.1001 34 52.60%
changshi2555 33.0001 17 52.60%
smartisan123 30.5001 16 52.60%
haytiobqgege 21.3097 11 52.60%
yinhedadi123 20.9001 11 52.60%
gmydkmbxgege 20.7628 11 52.60%
vnowalletvno 19.3728 10 52.60%
g4ydgnbrgage 17.7837 9 52.60%
kalalalalala 15.9824 8 52.60%
liucaidong51 14.0001 7 52.60%
g44tsmrshage 12.1913 6 52.60%
ilovegongrui 10.3001 5 52.60%
xiaoguangzia 10.0201 5 52.60%
gu3tgmryguge 9.1001 5 52.60%
iooooguoke13 8.0134 4 52.60%
worldbankeos 7.8001 4 52.60%
paypaleos111 7.2001 4 52.60%
cy2222222222 7.0401 4 52.60%
gq3danjzhege 6.6818 4 52.60%
authery12345 6.0000 6 98.42%
eostriple333 4.7100 2 52.60%
gzeosgotosky 3.9001 2 52.60%
g43tsmjqgage 3.6535 1 18.12%
rivendellwxr 3.5001 2 52.60%
eoseoscwslll 3.1000 3 91.04%
geng522block 3.0002 2 52.60%
flyeoser5555 3.0001 2 52.60%
yancong11111 2.6001 1 52.60%
g44taojqgmge 2.5439 1 52.60%
lichengkai11 2.1201 1 52.60%
binance11111 1.8000 2 96.08%
baobaoeospjy 1.5001 1 52.60%
cipherwallet 1.5001 1 52.60%
iloveuiwantu 1.5001 1 52.60%
fanzhenzhi14 1.2001 1 52.60%
myeosget1111 1.2001 1 52.60%
linjie555555 1.2000 1 97.54%
ssoooooooooo 1.0701 1 52.60%
ge2tenbsg4ge 1.0501 1 52.60%
eosno1eosno1 1.0001 1 52.60%
gy3dombqgige 0.8927 0 52.60%
gy2dgmbxgmge 0.4541 0 52.60%
imeos1111111 0.4300 0 86.64%
gmztemrrguge 0.3870 0 52.60%
ooxxooxx1111 0.2401 0 52.60%
chaochao5213 0.2253 0 10.11%
huanghaijian 0.2001 0 52.60%
raieondotcom 0.2001 0 23.40%
victory.x 0.2001 0 52.60%
feiyangpw114 0.2000 0 97.44%
point.x 0.2000 0 98.09%
imalibabaceo 0.1001 0 52.60%
eosxingxing1 0.0201 0 52.60%
zhimakaimen1 0.0201 0 52.60%
imtengxunceo 0.0003 0 52.60%
superstartop 0.0003 0 52.60%