请投票支持我们的节点 alohaeosprod!

Super DApp Proxy

We focus on delivering all the best for DApp developers.

EOS Mainnet
账号 EOS: 0
已被代理投票数 EOS: 1,805
总数量 EOS: 1,805
总数量 EOS 衰减: 776
总数量 EOS 投票衰减百分比: 43.00%
候选人得票数量: 8
被代理投票账户的总数量: 23


We believe that DApps are the key to EOS's success and will do everything we can to provide the best mainnet infrastructure for DApp developers. We want the DApp developers to focus on crafting the best experience and not worry about issues on mainnet. Our proxy will vote for BPs that are providing significant contributions to DApp ecosystem.


本超级代理由EOSBIXIN 超级君 和EOSAsia 郭达峰共同发起,集合头部各大Dapp厂商和Dapp玩家。活跃在Dapp第一线,因为深懂,所以出发,寻求改变。
The proxy is founded by Chaoji from EOSBixin and Dafeng Guo from EOS Asia, with the support from top-tier DApp developers and DApp users. The two have been deeply involved in the EOS DApp ecosystem and have joint force together to inspire changes.


排名 名字 国家
665 blockmatrix1 GB  
21 EOS Asia KY  
30 eos42freedom DE  
42 eosbixinboot
41 eosflareiobp US  
74 eosiomeetone SG  
12 Greymass CA  
82 TokenPocket SG  


EOS EOS 衰减 衰减%
eosgoldencar 1,703.2002 730 42.87%
katherine123 51.0001 22 42.87%
pengao112233 11.2002 5 42.87%
eosjs.x 10.1502 4 42.87%
supereosvcpe 9.4219 8 88.76%
gi2tsmrwg4ge 5.7742 0 7.69%
lzy151515151 2.9101 1 42.87%
yaofadacaile 1.9201 1 42.87%
weilaidashen 1.7601 1 42.87%
zgyuanzgyuan 1.6101 1 42.87%
gu4tomjsgqge 1.4458 1 42.87%
kkndkkndkknd 1.0331 0 42.87%
eosever54321 1.0001 0 42.87%
haydkmzthege 0.9001 0 42.87%
eoseosdanmei 0.5001 0 42.87%
g44dsmbxg4ge 0.4001 0 42.87%
renzhewudi55 0.4001 0 42.87%
rampaycenter 0.2102 0 42.87%
onehearteosc 0.2000 0 81.84%
skypte123321 0.1001 0 42.87%
haytkmjrgege 0.0440 0 42.87%
girteos32425 0.0201 0 42.87%
eosiomanager 0.0002 0 42.87%