请投票支持我们的节点 alohaeosprod!


WE CAN change the way we do business for the better. #HU-FI

EOS Mainnet
账号 EOS: 0
已被代理投票数 EOS: 97,005
总数量 EOS: 97,005
总数量 EOS 衰减: 18
总数量 EOS 投票衰减百分比: 0.02%
候选人得票数量: 6
被代理投票账户的总数量: 202


EOS PGL.MLT BP believes that through the use of EOSIO and EOS we can empower each other to create liquidity. This creation of liquidity can be achieved through fully backed loans that when recorded on the blockchain are auditable by any third party. There are many goals to this mission. One, we should no longer depend on third parties that debit a sizeable percentage of our sales and provide zero contributions to our monetary growth. Two, the use of EOS as currency will benefit all EOS token holders. Three, we are calling this movement Hu-Fi, human generated financing. Four, the use of EOS as currency and the speed of transfer afforded to us by the EOSIO blockchain will increase the EOS intrinsic worth again benefiting all EOS token holders. Five, we want to see uses at the human level for ordinary products and services. Taking all these points together is the standard to judge block producers. Plus, we also believe that EOS earned should not be exchanged to other means to conclude transactions.


We Can is a company that has many capable senior engineers who have built valuable products on the EOS mainnet. These products include Prospectors, one of the most played games in EOS. We Can is also an expert in the WAX chain and has developed R-Planet, another popular game. Tezo Systems Unlimited, Inc. has created EOS Micro Loan, EOS Market Place, and EOS Cryptominder. The team at We Can helped in all the preceding projects. Our combined loyalty to EOS and to EOSIO, the many successful products currently running, the deep understanding of code coupled with profound monetary policy knowledge sets our team apart. To accelerate the difference, we have been making in people’s lives, we ask you to consider adding your votes to this proxy. No only will it help us directly, but it will help us shape the philosophy of the chain that is more consistent with the message that a blockchain should be doing the people’s work by empowering the actions of the individual.


排名 名字 国家
29 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
22 EOS Support US  
14 Greymass CA  
81 heliosblocks US  
80 TokenPocket SG  


EOS EOS 衰减 衰减%
ha4dsnqgenes 75,438.2463 0 0.00%
pglteam.mlt 7,606.7849 0 0.00%
mauriceateos 4,084.2829 0 0.00%
eosmarketplc 974.1596 0 0.00%
joseoliateos 678.2305 0 0.00%
victoriaveos 551.0120 0 0.00%
annibalateos 420.4266 0 0.00%
juanlarateos 393.5303 0 0.00%
gizdcnzugyge 357.3448 0 0.00%
jovidalateos 355.9776 0 0.00%
devannaateos 351.1683 0 0.00%
lunaaleateos 350.8844 0 0.00%
marvinfateos 339.2190 0 0.00%
sthomasateos 308.6426 0 0.00%
bmorenoateos 237.4208 0 0.00%
rubenmaateos 230.9064 0 0.00%
mlt 193.8776 0 0.00%
irinajeateos 187.8516 0 0.00%
robertpateos 160.0968 0 0.00%
hufi.mlt 143.1427 0 0.00%
juanechateos 138.7539 0 0.00%
roberteateos 115.8086 0 0.00%
maryellateos 114.7506 0 0.00%
batkinsateos 111.7101 0 0.00%
birthdaybash 102.0330 0 0.00%
eromeroateos 101.4079 0 0.00%
verrazoateos 101.3711 0 0.00%
accounts.mlt 100.2388 0 0.00%
abundizateos 96.0720 0 0.00%
mariaceateos 96.0707 0 0.00%
jmartinateos 96.0623 0 0.00%
leamonwateos 90.7336 0 0.00%
miriamrateos 90.6323 0 0.00%
barabinateos 85.3971 0 0.00%
belindaateos 80.0593 0 0.00%
joseporateos 80.0589 0 0.00%
cadamesateos 79.1527 0 0.00%
donaldhateos 69.3853 0 0.00%
miguelcateos 69.3843 0 0.00%
johnblaateos 67.2973 0 0.00%
mirandaateos 64.0433 0 0.00%
marcelvateos 64.0424 0 0.00%
hernandoveos 55.4480 0 0.00%
roulettespin 55.3610 0 0.00%
chtylerateos 54.6147 0 0.00%
ariannaateos 53.3744 0 0.00%
niedrajateos 53.3731 0 0.00%
banunezateos 53.3721 0 0.00%
blancafateos 48.0363 0 0.00%
jamesfiateos 48.0359 0 0.00%
rouletedata2 43.9763 0 0.00%
marvinaateos 42.6989 0 0.00%
eljoe.mlt 32.9763 0 0.00%
edna.hufi 32.0711 0 0.00%
mulki.hufi 32.0711 0 0.00%
alpha.hufi 32.0687 0 0.00%
mboss.hufi 32.0532 0 0.00%
mtaju.hufi 31.9164 0 1.32%
shosko.hufi 31.8913 0 0.00%
abello.hufi 31.8810 0 0.00%
nathan.hufi 31.7290 0 1.32%
tyjuma.mlt 31.7156 0 0.00%
jerro.mlt 31.7149 0 0.00%
atajiri.hufi 31.7119 0 0.00%
umari.hufi 31.6581 0 1.32%
ibro.hufi 31.6567 0 0.00%
elhaji.mlt 31.5384 0 1.32%
usbash.hufi 31.5354 0 1.32%
clinic.mlt 31.5204 0 1.32%
dauhe.hufi 31.5204 0 1.32%
suyidam.hufi 31.3024 0 1.32%
mrabiu.mlt 31.2376 0 0.00%
gaura.mlt 31.1235 0 0.00%
tizzytee.mlt 31.1156 0 1.32%
thomson.mlt 30.8404 0 1.32%
tuwan.hufi 30.6106 0 0.00%
ghore.hufi 30.4001 0 1.32%
minerl.mlt 30.0415 0 0.00%
velopezateos 26.6789 0 0.00%
gabrrodateos 26.6779 0 0.00%
claudiaateos 26.3853 0 1.32%
cpowellateos 23.2004 0 1.32%
alvarezateos 22.1651 0 1.32%
crenups.hufi 21.3786 0 0.00%
doug.mlt 21.2350 0 1.32%
inversi15211 19.3651 0 1.32%
eosn.mlt 15.4289 0 2.63%
alamza.hufi 10.4921 0 3.92%
vovakovbassa 10.0048 0 3.92%
aguasantamia 6.7023 0 6.45%
terraeos2535 6.4344 0 1.32%
saraviaateos 6.1842 0 5.19%
isaacvaateos 5.7817 0 3.92%
dannysaateos 5.4326 0 2.63%
lucia.mlt 4.8516 0 7.69%
inverbarrios 4.5316 0 7.69%
jhoanruben11 4.2071 0 0.00%
gm4dimzzgmge 3.5196 0 12.48%
princesanaty 3.3123 0 3.92%
bodegoneosca 2.8355 0 15.91%
vivianavivas 2.3008 0 0.00%
miralvisrz25 2.2524 0 8.91%
inverjacar25 2.2347 0 13.64%
giytgnbqgage 2.0078 0 0.00%
airdrop.hufi 1.2100 0 38.93%
creamyvanill 1.1914 0 11.31%
angiechiqui1 1.1001 1 83.02%
marketcasa11 0.6202 0 80.07%
robotbanking 0.5320 0 83.02%
eosrodriguez 0.5281 0 1.32%
minegr.mlt 0.4002 0 83.02%
aminumt.hufi 0.3364 0 46.55%
sabrosogrill 0.2301 0 83.02%
rainbowgirl1 0.2203 0 83.02%
alm1d.mlt 0.2017 0 55.06%
mulan.hufi 0.2012 0 47.26%
gellu.hufi 0.2008 0 51.32%
doma.hufi 0.2006 0 53.84%
michael.hufi 0.2006 0 53.22%
poko.mlt 0.2006 0 49.33%
ramadan.hufi 0.2006 0 32.96%
rukhar.mlt 0.2006 0 49.33%
custom.hufi 0.2005 0 56.24%
imrana.hufi 0.2005 0 40.54%
vripiye.hufi 0.2005 0 47.96%
zaboy.mlt 0.2005 0 46.55%
alhumar.mlt 0.2004 0 47.96%
anusa.mlt 0.2004 0 51.96%
gabr.mlt 0.2004 0 48.65%
ismael.mlt 0.2004 0 83.02%
aababa.mlt 0.2003 0 62.71%
ladern.hufi 0.2003 0 51.96%
sratua.mlt 0.2003 0 60.67%
mmeos.mlt 0.2002 0 83.02%
yoan.mlt 0.2002 0 83.02%
agua.mlt 0.2001 0 83.02%
mmeosvalen12 0.2001 0 83.02%
pipo.mlt 0.2001 0 83.02%
bind.hufi 0.2000 0 42.10%
sergio.mlt 0.1401 0 83.02%
makeri2.mlt 0.1003 0 55.06%
eosmmnagua21 0.1001 0 83.02%
megaeladio53 0.1001 0 83.02%
sadisha.mlt 0.0981 0 13.64%
alaaka.mlt 0.0804 0 39.74%
aly.mlt 0.0617 0 61.19%
eosnatalie23 0.0602 0 83.02%
babgee.mlt 0.0421 0 13.64%
taraba.hufi 0.0250 0 46.55%
jere.hufi 0.0220 0 35.59%
sadoimu.hufi 0.0220 0 35.59%
doctach3.mlt 0.0212 0 47.96%
beela.hufi 0.0211 0 35.59%
saluwe.hufi 0.0211 0 1.32%
luis.mlt 0.0208 0 53.22%
mgtukur.hufi 0.0208 0 51.96%
solim.mlt 0.0208 0 51.96%
tonio.mlt 0.0208 0 53.84%
souf.mlt 0.0207 0 56.24%
venant23.mlt 0.0207 0 56.82%
zalez.mlt 0.0207 0 53.84%
zubri.mlt 0.0207 0 54.45%
chieng.mlt 0.0206 0 54.45%
ibshas.hufi 0.0206 0 11.31%
damagun.mlt 0.0205 0 19.21%
lesso.mlt 0.0205 0 56.24%
mia.mlt 0.0205 0 54.45%
safa.hufi 0.0205 0 55.65%
sarkal.mlt 0.0205 0 30.23%
abtnig.hufi 0.0204 0 26.40%
fagam.hufi 0.0204 0 52.60%
masaya.hufi 0.0204 0 51.96%
rouk.mlt 0.0204 0 41.33%
rumah.hufi 0.0204 0 60.67%
siddik.mlt 0.0204 0 40.54%
hafif.mlt 0.0203 0 50.00%
juliette.mlt 0.0203 0 53.84%
aiysha.hufi 0.0202 0 56.24%
genesissthef 0.0202 0 83.02%
juaan.mlt 0.0202 0 53.22%
tano.mlt 0.0202 0 54.45%
aleeerr.mlt 0.0201 0 61.19%
binga.hufi 0.0201 0 45.84%
bitmit.hufi 0.0201 0 57.39%
dollah.mlt 0.0201 0 37.28%
hypeman.mlt 0.0201 0 45.84%
janare.hufi 0.0201 0 51.32%
larah.hufi 0.0201 0 47.26%
zannui.mlt 0.0201 0 58.51%
adekunle.mlt 0.0200 0 56.82%
bororo.hufi 0.0200 0 61.19%
chikune.hufi 0.0200 0 42.10%
jagor.hufi 0.0200 0 60.67%
jukub.hufi 0.0200 0 54.45%
mrishal.hufi 0.0200 0 64.64%
mulisaa.mlt 0.0200 0 55.06%
senate.mlt 0.0200 0 60.67%
zkson.hufi 0.0200 0 51.96%
bambdelarosa 0.0021 0 83.02%
namasteloans 0.0002 0 83.02%
constelacion 0.0001 0 82.79%
edvasnie2313 0.0001 0 81.84%