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Chintai Proxy


EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 10
Proxied EOS: 2,992
Total EOS: 3,002
Total EOS Decay: 2,874
Total EOS Decay Percent: 95.73%
Candidate Votes: 29
Proxied Accounts: 56

Voting Philosophy

All BPs chosen for the Chintai proxy reflect the decentralist principles that brought the project to fruition. The Chintai Proxy uses a decentralized protocol to make voting selections. Five Chintai proxy managers meet at least once per month to make voting selections based on the following criteria: Proven technical competency as a block producer, Adherence to the EOS Constitution, Usage of block rewards in a community focused value-add manner to the EOSIO ecosystem, Support development of dApps that promote mainstream EOSIO adoption, Transparency in block producer operations, Demonstration of independence.


Chintai is a frictionless peer-to-peer EOS token leasing platform that leverages the revolutionary power of the EOS network. Chintai is the epitome of how communities can align incentives to enhance a decentralized ecosystem for the benefit of all. Developers can flexibly lease tokens based on their respective needs, while token holders can profit from lending network resources that would otherwise be left unused. Chintai was developed and is currently maintained by EOS42. The white paper was first published in late winter of 2018 by David Packham of EOS42. Ongoing funding from BP sponsors provides the network resources that are necessary to run and maintain the Chintai platform.

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
31 Aloha EOS US  
15 atticlabeosb UA  
674 blockmatrix1 GB  
664 chainriftxxx SI  
29 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
677 cypherglasss US  
21 Detroit Ledger... US  
22 EOS Asia KY  
30 EOS Authority GB  
59 EOS Cafe Block CA  
20 EOS Nation CA  
27 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
10 EOS Titan BG  
32 EOS42 DE  
62 EOSArgentina AR  
3 eoscannonchn KY  
64 eosDAC CH  
80 eosiomeetone SG  
672 eosliquideos IL  
676 eosnewyorkio CK  
17 EOSphere AU  
678 eosswedenorg SE  
671 eostribeprod US  
669 eosvibesbloc FR  
19 Greymass CA  
70 helloeoscnbp CN  
75 hkeoshkeosbp HK  
71 sheos21sheos ES  
77 TokenPocket SG  

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
ge2dsmzvhege 2,012.2379 1,952 97.00%
daveyboyseos 248.7222 241 97.00%
gmzdgmrtguge 127.0001 123 96.48%
cryptowisdom 92.8111 90 97.00%
gy2dcnbvgene 78.3661 76 96.79%
eosdaccbi123 51.0001 49 96.28%
chrisconkey1 42.2828 39 92.06%
huanhuangege 35.0002 34 97.00%
gi4dcnbug4ge 30.8052 30 97.00%
gy3dgobtgage 26.1876 17 65.11%
gmytqnzxgyge 24.4200 23 93.75%
g44temrxgqge 22.7978 21 90.92%
angelmix1234 22.5027 22 97.61%
gy4dkobsgege 22.1254 20 90.68%
gqytqmrqg4ge 20.0003 19 97.00%
g44tqmzwgage 20.0002 19 97.00%
gu4dsnbugmge 16.9801 4 22.37%
springkudeos 11.5027 11 97.00%
meow.x 7.0911 7 97.51%
mark12251221 6.1100 6 97.48%
g44damjqgige 6.0001 6 97.76%
ian4xyian4xy 5.9998 6 96.57%
desmondhawes 5.5545 5 92.26%
gogogo111111 5.1600 5 91.28%
tokenvaulttt 5.0009 5 95.08%
geytanjvgmge 5.0001 5 97.61%
hezdgmrqgmge 4.1828 4 97.48%
chessgamefan 4.1000 4 96.33%
heroesmaniac 4.1000 4 96.33%
eosiddiogino 3.7153 3 92.26%
dicebetbonus 3.0001 3 95.64%
bryanchoesen 2.9000 3 93.58%
jeddaheosorg 2.2003 2 97.00%
guzdmnjrgege 2.2002 2 95.08%
cryptotim.x 2.2001 2 93.05%
ubuntu.vr 2.0001 2 97.76%
maddocrypto4 2.0000 2 85.91%
eoshwalletm1 1.9502 2 96.61%
g4ytimjxg4ge 1.3203 1 90.17%
gu3tgnbzhege 1.0000 1 97.41%
killthebeast 0.9000 1 96.75%
legendhunter 0.9000 1 96.75%
sirh51r1s3c5 0.6001 1 97.76%
cryptopvkpgp 0.5000 0 96.75%
1m2m3m4m5.m 0.3200 0 96.57%
goldenflower 0.3000 0 97.41%
helicaljulep 0.2561 0 97.61%
eos42kaijing 0.2203 0 90.80%
dontrump45th 0.2001 0 97.76%
evanshepard1 0.2000 0 97.67%
ezquestjigap 0.2000 0 97.00%
gi3damzxgyge 0.2000 0 97.54%
topkatjersen 0.1251 0 97.12%
couttscnsltg 0.0001 0 97.76%
ge4tenrxguge 0.0001 0 42.10%
ge4tsojugage 0.0001 0 37.28%