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Everything EOS Proxy

The world's most scalable blockchain needs quality BPs! Go EOS!

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 0
Proxied EOS: 7,876
Total EOS: 7,876
Total EOS Decay: 7,468
Total EOS Decay Percent: 94.82%
Candidate Votes: 30
Proxied Accounts: 119

Voting Philosophy

Our proxy will always strive to put the best BPs in place to support the continued growth of the EOS ecosystem. And will never accept any quid pro quo from BPs we vote for. Our selection pillars are: leadership, tech stack, tool creation, governance participation, community engagement, developer outreach & education, geographic location and diversity. To mitigate our own potential bias, whenever re-voting occurs, we will first data mine other top proxies across EOS to identify potential outliers. Also, all re-voting will be made publicly available via our website and our normal podcast format. We welcome and want community feedback! This will be used to better inform our future decision making process.


The Everything EOS proxy is powered by a 3 of 5 multi-sig account. Our members include: Zack Gall ( Rob Finch ( Pete Keay ( Mark Woods ( Jonathan Pederson ( Everything EOS is the most comprehensive & longest running EOS podcast. We strive to welcome and educate new EOS community members. And believe the EOS community will be the one that brings blockchain to the masses! Youtube:

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
31 Aloha EOS US  
15 atticlabeosb UA  
29 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
677 cypherglasss US  
21 Detroit Ledger... US  
22 EOS Asia KY  
30 EOS Authority GB  
59 EOS Cafe Block CA  
20 EOS Nation CA  
27 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
10 EOS Titan BG  
32 EOS42 DE  
36 EOSAmsterdam NL  
62 EOSArgentina AR  
64 eosDAC CH  
69 eosDublin IE  
11 eoslaomaocom
94 eosnairobike KE  
17 EOSphere AU  
678 eosswedenorg SE  
1 GenerEOS AU  
19 Greymass CA  
70 helloeoscnbp CN  
75 hkeoshkeosbp HK  
9 Newdex KY  
63 NodeONE☝️ KR  
71 sheos21sheos ES  
670 tokenika4eos PL  
77 TokenPocket SG  

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
gi4tsnagenes 1,370.6223 1,329 97.00%
gq2dqojrgyge 877.3637 850 96.88%
gi4tmnbzhege 657.6466 620 94.31%
frankhudeman 508.8229 479 94.23%
gq3tiojxgage 319.4250 309 96.88%
bangkokcoins 103.3680 58 56.24%
beyondbelief 103.3680 58 56.24%
birdsandbees 103.3680 58 56.24%
berlincrypto 103.0120 100 96.79%
africantoken 102.0219 99 96.79%
asiancoinage 102.0219 99 96.79%
athenscrypto 102.0219 99 96.79%
belowthebelt 102.0219 99 96.79%
bodypiercing 102.0219 99 96.79%
bostoncrypto 102.0219 99 96.79%
bottomdollar 102.0219 99 96.79%
brazilcrypto 102.0219 99 96.79%
brazilianeos 102.0219 99 96.79%
britishcoins 102.0219 99 96.79%
bruneicrypto 102.0219 99 96.79%
canadiancoin 102.0219 99 96.79%
castingcalls 102.0219 99 96.79%
cherrycrypto 102.0219 99 96.79%
cherrypopper 102.0219 99 96.79%
cryptoblonde 102.0219 99 96.79%
cryptogreedy 102.0219 99 96.79%
cryptopotato 102.0219 99 96.79%
cryptopresto 102.0219 99 96.79%
cryptospeedo 102.0219 99 96.79%
cryptotechie 102.0219 99 96.79%
danishcrypto 102.0219 99 96.79%
digitalcache 102.0219 99 96.79%
digitalcandy 102.0219 99 96.79%
digitaldaddy 102.0219 99 96.79%
dutchcryptos 102.0219 99 96.79%
blizzardcoin 102.0218 99 96.79%
choosybeggar 102.0218 99 96.79%
cypruscrypto 102.0218 99 96.79%
dallascrypto 102.0218 99 96.79%
digitaldrake 102.0218 99 96.79%
moscowcrypto 102.0218 99 96.79%
kurtkurtkurt 54.0000 52 96.96% 31.3471 30 96.28%
sendeostorog 25.2001 24 97.00%
marcus.eos 24.1411 23 93.67%
g44dknjvhage 18.4631 18 96.70%
gy4dknjygege 15.0000 15 97.00%
blank.x 14.2263 14 96.57%
ge3denjtgage 13.3550 13 93.83%
codetheblock 11.0000 9 85.33%
digitaldevil 8.0013 8 96.79%
bogotacrypto 7.0011 7 96.79%
coinadvocate 7.0011 7 96.79%
coinclueless 7.0011 7 96.79%
cryptogifter 7.0011 7 96.79%
cryptorunner 7.0011 7 96.79%
gu2denzugage 6.2000 5 87.16%
gqzdqnjygyge 6.0000 6 97.12%
gqzdqnrqgyge 6.0000 6 97.12% 5.3300 5 96.79% 5.3300 5 96.79%
container135 5.0954 4 81.35% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79%
gamemaster.z 5.0000 5 96.79%
gamer.vr 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79%
haytknjwhage 5.0000 5 96.52% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79%
sanfranc1sco 5.0000 5 96.61% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 5.0000 5 96.79% 4.8000 5 96.79% 4.8000 5 96.79%
mardukforest 4.7326 5 96.38%
g43dcnjug4ge 4.1404 4 97.15%
haytkmrzgage 4.0001 4 97.00%
illinoiscoin 3.0001 3 97.04% 3.0001 3 97.04%
codehelixeos 3.0000 3 96.61%
eosmidwest.x 2.2100 2 97.04%
gu3dcmzrgage 2.2002 2 96.33%
dltprojects1 2.1002 2 90.03%
senseorg.y 2.1001 2 97.08%
ge4dsmjqgige 2.0181 2 92.06%
keepitsleazy 2.0000 2 96.96%
leosmasterbk 2.0000 2 97.04%
saintpadrepi 1.5849 1 88.76%
rikzanriksan 1.2833 1 96.88%
eosawareness 1.2001 1 97.15%
codehelix.e 1.0000 1 96.61%
jeremy.mail 1.0000 1 97.04%
startsection 1.0000 1 96.61%
stakethepixe 0.4000 0 96.88%
zack.vr 0.3000 0 97.19%
kamraneosacc 0.2048 0 97.00%
atomicswapos 0.2001 0 97.08%
bitcoinbanks 0.2001 0 56.24%
jeremyhubbs1 0.2000 0 97.08%
laurenzius15 0.2000 0 97.15%
scalebitcoin 0.2000 0 97.08%
stakethedapp 0.2000 0 96.83%
xxxintern123 0.1131 0 93.58%
gu2tkmbsgage 0.0001 0 94.00%