Support us by voting for alohaeosprod!


This proxy ensures that EOS network remains community's network

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 8
Proxied EOS: 5,254
Total EOS: 5,262
Total EOS Decay: 4,923
Total EOS Decay Percent: 93.56%
Candidate Votes: 30
Proxied Accounts: 73

Voting Philosophy

EOS needs its community more than anything else. Only with a strong community and educated voters EOS can grow as a healthy network. I've been observing Block Producer Candidates for several months already and I know them quite well now. I know their philosophy but what I believe is most important is the community they create and interact with. Taking the time to build a community, to inform and help people means helping EOS to grow and this is why I will vote mainly for BPs who engaged actively in building their trust with people, building tools, dapps, running meetings and training developers. Let's not forget that decentralisation matters. If you don’t remember to vote at least once a week or if you have no time to do it, then set me ( eosnetworkxx ) as your proxy and I’ll make sure that your voting power goes to the right BPs.

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
33 Aloha EOS US  
45 certikeosorg US  
69 costaricaeos CR  
32 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
677 cypherglasss US  
20 Detroit Ledger... US  
28 EOS Authority GB  
58 EOS Cafe Block CA  
11 EOS Nation CA  
66 EOS Rapid US  
27 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
4 EOS Titan BG  
43 EOS42 DE  
34 EOSAmsterdam NL  
63 EOSArgentina AR  
64 eosDAC CH  
68 eosDublin IE  
42 eosflareiobp US  
94 eosnairobike KE  
15 EOSphere AU  
678 eosswedenorg SE  
671 eostribeprod US  
74 eosvenezuela VE  
669 eosvibesbloc FR  
1 GenerEOS AU  
18 Greymass CA  
70 hkeoshkeosbp HK  
19 Newdex KY  
62 NodeONE☝️ KR  
71 sheos21sheos ES  

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
gi2domzzhege 1,327.1495 1,293 97.41%
maurilueosio 1,079.4643 946 87.67%
gyytqnbxhege 986.0354 961 97.44%
gy3timzxgige 340.0000 331 97.44%
gi4taobrhege 335.2072 291 86.82%
gy4diobtgene 285.8891 250 87.50%
gy3dsmzyg4ge 250.2473 229 91.39%
gi3dsnbzgige 205.2023 200 97.54%
freedom4swbb 127.7427 118 92.16%
rictokeneos1 30.0539 29 97.04%
haztinzwgyge 28.8662 27 93.75%
g42tkmruguge 25.1000 24 96.52%
g42tmnjwhege 21.4003 21 96.75%
eostilettoos 20.0200 20 98.01%
gu2tombqgmge 20.0000 19 93.23%
gy3tsnbqgige 17.4502 17 97.15%
gyzdgojwhage 13.2309 13 98.42%
gu2tqnrugyge 13.0000 12 91.95%
cryptomassi1 11.9995 11 91.95%
gezdeobwgqge 11.4504 11 94.23%
zannaregia33 10.0975 9 90.68%
cippone12345 10.0035 10 96.70%
andreasangio 10.0000 10 98.56%
heyteojthage 8.7923 9 98.54%
g44tombugage 6.0006 6 97.23%
gy3dkmrqgige 5.0001 5 96.33%
gi4tcnjzguge 4.4001 4 90.68%
guydgmzxgmge 3.9186 4 96.03%
nodialtoneos 3.5000 3 95.70%
caballoveloz 3.0002 2 57.96%
gu4tgnbxgage 2.8891 3 86.99%
davidescapin 2.5000 2 92.67%
g44dcmbygmge 2.0002 2 97.64%
alberteosoo1 2.0001 2 96.08%
gi3dsnbwguge 2.0001 1 72.92%
gq4tgojvg4ge 2.0001 1 72.92%
elratonperez 2.0000 2 97.88%
g44dqnjrgage 2.0000 2 98.40%
gu3diojwgige 2.0000 2 97.51%
gy3dgobyhage 2.0000 2 97.79%
udtqcssondud 2.0000 2 91.62%
g42denbqgige 1.9982 2 96.28%
nodialtonew1 1.5000 1 98.19%
nodialtonew2 1.5000 1 98.19%
reginaldeos1 1.3078 1 95.08%
rictokenciao 1.2000 1 97.04%
walletzzzzzz 1.0672 1 96.83%
guzdqmrtguge 1.0000 1 92.67%
scseoswallet 1.0000 1 96.83%
sempanankace 1.0000 1 98.01%
ha4tgobxgqge 0.8774 1 96.83%
danielsaneos 0.5000 0 96.79%
g4ydamjvguge 0.4110 0 97.61%
ha3danjyguge 0.4000 0 97.54%
miki34eos21b 0.3961 0 96.13%
nodialtonew3 0.3600 0 98.19%
nodialtonew4 0.3600 0 98.19%
brignobrigno 0.2000 0 92.47%
brignowallet 0.2000 0 97.12%
eosmybiglove 0.2000 0 97.12%
haytqnbuhege 0.1403 0 97.37%
gu3tqnjrgage 0.1389 0 91.04%
nodialtonew5 0.1100 0 98.19%
danieledgers 0.1001 0 92.16%
account1amtr 0.1000 0 98.33%
gu3timbtgyge 0.1000 0 92.06%
randomplayer 0.1000 0 98.12%
ori123ori123 0.0649 0 97.37%
gqytimjrgage 0.0500 0 92.06%
caligolagenn 0.0201 0 92.16%
xgenius1ocix 0.0200 0 95.46%
eosgermantop 0.0040 0 96.88%
giydinjwgyge 0.0001 0 90.80%