Support us by voting for alohaeosprod! Proxy

Fastest EOSIO Block Explorer Globally

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 0
Proxied EOS: 489
Total EOS: 489
Total EOS Decay: 458
Total EOS Decay Percent: 93.61%
Candidate Votes: 0
Proxied Accounts: 16

Voting Philosophy

EOSX is the next evolution of EOSIO chain visualization. It is a block explorer, wallet, and network monitor all in one. Our goal with EOSX and the proxy is to help spur further adoption of EOSIO by selecting good BPs that contribute to the chain or EOSX.


EOSX is the next evolution of EOSIO chain visualization. It is a block explorer, wallet, and network monitor all in one. It is designed to be easy, quick, and clean. It has been built on data from the past, with an eye toward the future.

Candidate Votes

This proxy is not voting for any block producer candidates.

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
ge3dcojugqge 423.9317 396 93.41%
eos2112tommy 29.5962 28 95.34%
linklinkguan 18.4001 18 97.00%
xinggamesbet 5.2000 5 96.79%
xpcmarketmkc 4.0032 4 96.18%
liwanfa22222 3.0200 3 96.83%
gksystem1234 1.4900 1 96.23%
llamapony442 1.2132 0 32.06%
littlebori12 1.0010 1 96.83%
eosactive444 0.6000 1 96.83%
katanamaster 0.3408 0 96.52% 0.1002 0 97.04%
chickenready 0.0834 0 95.34%
teamcraft111 0.0200 0 91.95%
zjw453lj1231 0.0100 0 96.43%
ronnakrit444 0.0002 0 96.92%