Support us by voting for alohaeosprod!


Welcome to the Jungle

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 0
Proxied EOS: 3,182
Total EOS: 3,182
Total EOS Decay: 2
Total EOS Decay Percent: 0.05%
Candidate Votes: 24
Proxied Accounts: 12

Voting Philosophy

The JunglesProxy will be voting, primarily, for the BPs who contribute to the Jungle Testnet by running node(s) on it, by taking part in discussions on the Jungle Testnet telegram channel and spend their valuable time on testing the latest EOSIO release or help a newbie BP/dApp developer. It'll be also voting for geo-diverse nodes from around the world with technical competence and are key community/ecosystem builders in their respective regions. Lastly, we will consider giving special consideration to the block producers who haven't generally received the recognition for their contributions.


The Jungle Testnet has been a central part of the EOSIO eco system since before launch. Many critical errors have been found and fixed in Jungle before they could make their way to the mainnet, and many dapps and features were developed and tested there, including, Chintai, REX, the Lost Key Recovery system, pEOS, privEOS, Prospectors, and many more. A new Maximum EOSIO TPS of 9179 was demonstrated in Jungle Testnet. The Jungle Proxy supports the many block producers who've spent IT resources and countless hours supporting the Jungle Testnet and helping assist and onboard new dapps and new developers into EOSIO.

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
28 Aloha EOS US  
70 costaricaeos CR  
29 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
60 DeFis Network SG  
20 Detroit Ledger... US  
32 EOS Authority GB  
61 EOS Cafe Block CA  
18 EOS Nation CA  
67 EOS Rapid US  
27 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
30 EOS42 DE  
31 EOSAmsterdam NL  
140 EOSArabia AE  
83 eosBarcelona ES  
19 eoscannonchn KY  
69 eosDAC CH  
71 eosDublin IE  
677 eosnodeonebp KR  
17 EOSphere AU  
676 eosswedenorg SE  
1 GenerEOS AU  
14 Greymass CA  
80 TokenPocket SG  

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
cryptolions1 1,041.1924 0 0.00%
ancientknow3 1,014.5694 0 0.00%
gi2daobthege 843.8653 0 0.00%
ha3dmmigenes 97.1916 0 0.00%
heytcnrugmge 63.7443 0 0.00%
jtf42ojtf42o 48.2661 0 0.00%
nstdhnshn323 36.6304 0 0.00%
giydkobwgqge 31.7244 0 0.00%
romanskaskiw 2.5001 1 52.60%
bohdankossak 1.9520 0 10.11%
otemzi112233 0.6910 0 52.60%
guydkojsgege 0.0514 0 52.60%