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High profit, Zero risk

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 1
Proxied EOS: 85,915
Total EOS: 85,916
Total EOS Decay: 21,379
Total EOS Decay Percent: 24.88%
Candidate Votes: 30
Proxied Accounts: 197

Voting Philosophy

Made the safest pool


Newpool is the world's first decentralized pool without transfer

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
8 JP  
3 binancestake KY  
26 blockpooleos
14 Defibox BP KY  
19 Detroit Ledger... US  
2 EOS Nation CA  
18 EOS Support US  
4 EOS Titan BG  
27 eosasia11111
55 eosbixinboot
6 eoscannonchn KY  
15 EOSeoul KR  
43 eosflareiobp US  
13 eosflytomars JP  
20 eosinfstones
29 eoslambdacom
22 eoslaomaocom
40 eosnewfuture JP  
36 eossv12eossv US  
7 Everstake UA  
1 GenerEOS AU  
12 hashfin SG  
47 kikifinance1
41 moreisfuture CN  
5 Newdex KY  
25 slowmistiobp
10 starteosiobp

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
eossaradiana 39,307.0386 1,034 2.63%
wangjiaxing3 11,958.7647 771 6.45%
gn34sdweeh45 10,828.2066 10,065 92.95%
3mzzwwnskgur 6,377.9401 84 1.32%
gi2tknrwgene 6,227.3133 3,030 48.65%
rubricmaster 5,071.3394 4,446 87.67%
gu2tcmryhage 3,091.5077 594 19.21%
ge3demrygege 799.3440 249 31.15%
eosflywallet 588.7000 8 1.32%
vovaturya123 448.2731 6 1.32%
131524liduan 120.2000 110 91.39%
wangboeos111 113.1102 104 91.62%
g44tqobvgyge 106.4385 95 88.91%
snowslide151 105.2731 99 93.67%
quqlabfoalqj 100.2001 95 94.74%
scottjkasper 89.9866 85 94.31%
aldestimagis 74.0934 70 94.88%
poiulkjhmnbc 60.2001 48 79.80%
nkhlky444555 39.4000 38 95.87%
ge2tonjtgige 37.6818 35 93.23%
liuyuzhao155 35.3000 32 90.43%
jhairjaybang 24.4961 23 93.05%
crypt2planet 20.3308 20 96.23%
aiunderstand 20.0520 17 82.56% 20.0402 18 91.28%
gyzdknjtg4ge 16.7123 15 90.68%
networking11 15.3488 3 18.12%
petersergeev 13.9875 14 97.15%
ranranbeauty 12.0200 12 97.23%
namoemituofo 10.8412 10 95.34%
shuhongtao13 9.7885 9 96.79%
eos55555555z 9.6758 7 68.64%
haztqnjuhage 9.6432 9 91.84%
springchanel 9.0018 8 92.57%
3b5wtihsnl5k 8.1999 2 19.21%
ssssssssssus 8.0823 8 93.75%
falcoonsyrad 8.0000 8 97.34%
eosxiaomaomi 6.5291 6 93.14%
eosxingchen1 6.0200 6 93.75%
bm5sdg44yypk 5.4436 5 93.14%
gu3dqobrgqge 5.2002 1 19.21%
youngeun1234 5.0001 5 97.12%
apoorvavicky 4.3243 4 96.61%
pineappleeos 4.0500 4 94.60%
wwwaaan12345 3.6514 3 95.40%
taobaowang11 3.6097 3 96.23%
5rfufzwlwlev 3.4248 3 95.97%
ivantony.x 3.3867 3 88.31%
atifmalik512 3.3273 3 96.70%
comfortland1 3.2000 3 94.07%
onemilionway 3.0019 3 95.64%
marcopettini 3.0000 3 97.15%
reyhubeosacc 2.7417 3 91.84%
erasventures 2.3309 0 19.21%
inbetweeners 2.1000 2 91.51%
zceshiacc111 2.0999 0 11.31%
stenzaitcryp 2.0092 2 95.34%
zihao1212121 2.0026 2 94.88%
alchemicalme 2.0000 2 96.38%
hzjohn123123 2.0000 2 93.91%
eosrobin1133 1.9846 2 91.51%
alibabalala1 1.8509 2 96.08%
lingfongseng 1.4615 1 95.92%
chetandhuri1 1.2133 1 76.30%
jjalexjmanjj 1.2000 0 19.21%
jduhxsldxsaw 1.1600 1 96.57%
damaicn12345 1.0200 1 94.00%
vijaykumar42 1.0200 1 92.16%
farizfadzimi 1.0107 1 94.00%
othnapcalx24 1.0101 1 94.31%
paulcoey1234 1.0003 1 97.08%
gu3domagenes 1.0000 1 91.39%
robertiveone 1.0000 0 33.85% 0.9326 1 80.85%
525a32zaz351 0.9089 1 86.82% 0.8941 1 92.95%
yanmingxx123 0.8210 1 91.73%
bnr133421122 0.7426 1 96.13%
yourselftide 0.7298 1 91.73%
wasifali4212 0.6676 1 96.03%
eoschainceon 0.6500 1 92.57%
lmlmlmlm5555 0.6000 1 96.66%
gosungeos123 0.5824 1 91.84%
eostoyanggu1 0.5700 1 93.58%
ferissis1234 0.5501 0 86.09%
gu2dsnjwgage 0.5158 0 86.28% 0.5102 0 96.75%
chunkycherry 0.5101 0 94.53%
1greatminer1 0.5000 0 97.08%
universality 0.5000 0 91.73%
alexmarr1234 0.4440 0 96.92%
tzuqavo3g3dd 0.4270 0 97.37%
guangming123 0.4002 0 48.65%
oakwoodcuter 0.3685 0 94.74%
eosiocheques 0.3355 0 97.34%
chenbineos11 0.3345 0 89.06%
premcompany1 0.3280 0 92.26%
cryptotopeos 0.3265 0 92.47%
cdsdujunjie1 0.3101 0 97.12%
gezdenjtgene 0.3037 0 87.83%
gunwooeos123 0.3016 0 94.67%
zjblovezxhgg 0.3001 0 95.64%
flygototheos 0.2916 0 94.67%
jessica55332 0.2900 0 96.28%
jessica55333 0.2900 0 96.28%
jessica55444 0.2900 0 96.28%
sukinneos123 0.2722 0 91.84%
bithumbeecv1 0.2450 0 96.43%
mdjohuruli33 0.2344 0 95.58%
linshe122eos 0.2200 0 95.81%
eosgodcrypto 0.2165 0 94.67%
craversiczek 0.2164 0 92.76%
bettertaylor 0.2090 0 92.57%
goseongoneos 0.2067 0 94.67%
eosgajakorea 0.2064 0 94.67%
eosismecoin3 0.2010 0 94.31% 0.2001 0 96.43%
eosboss.e 0.2001 0 95.75%
gu3tkojtg4ge 0.2001 0 91.62%
papakhanpapa 0.2001 0 96.03%
dospeldoodle 0.2000 0 93.67%
fahreenkhan1 0.2000 0 92.67%
gq3deobvgage 0.2000 0 93.67%
pdt1nriw4swo 0.2000 0 13.64%
zhangkang15x 0.2000 0 97.15%
ram333333333 0.1989 0 91.04%
1changeworld 0.1524 0 93.67%
2lkrqjoivp3n 0.1287 0 93.14%
eosnamsoon12 0.1215 0 94.67%
mpzzzzzzz.m 0.1104 0 95.75%
freedomolife 0.1101 0 92.76%
kendokendooo 0.1100 0 95.97%
sosvaldof1eo 0.1100 0 84.53%
sotisoti1234 0.1100 0 97.34%
adeoluw5.ftw 0.1000 0 93.91%
flatwhite.m 0.0948 0 96.28%
hiro12344321 0.0906 0 91.39%
cryptozigzag 0.0873 0 94.07%
ha3dcojvgage 0.0417 0 94.60%
candyprogram 0.0388 0 84.94%
prayifei5211 0.0320 0 96.13%
543211111.m 0.0317 0 97.34%
anaszpaseeos 0.0301 0 96.23% 0.0201 0 85.91%
aaabbbcccwww 0.0200 0 96.28%
hirenleem123 0.0200 0 91.39%
liudada12345 0.0200 0 92.76% 0.0200 0 96.08%
szalonys.ftw 0.0154 0 93.23%
bigdeers4352 0.0118 0 83.46% 0.0111 0 94.15% 0.0111 0 93.32%
diangunz1234 0.0103 0 95.87% 0.0101 0 97.34%
ibuh3bdja2xu 0.0101 0 92.95%
justinkowall 0.0101 0 93.14%
krtlivtrader 0.0101 0 93.91%
nimasile1234 0.0101 0 94.15% 0.0101 0 95.81%
tfhdsfsedfs1 0.0101 0 96.08%
wkeoswhat123 0.0101 0 67.36%
kyungkyung11 0.0100 0 91.95%
leyun123good 0.0100 0 79.53%
linqiheluluu 0.0100 0 93.14%
porter555222 0.0100 0 94.00%
xingzhang123 0.0100 0 79.53%
clothesgroup 0.0059 0 96.43%
sugartrading 0.0025 0 93.50%
gwt555555555 0.0018 0 94.15%
akysqrtaroh2 0.0010 0 97.08%
bv5i5vldvtik 0.0010 0 97.08%
gmk1pamlbyqc 0.0010 0 97.08%
gnsh5dj3jqeg 0.0010 0 97.08%
hql2w4tjmhcy 0.0010 0 97.08%
k3wtqxm4a5cr 0.0010 0 97.08%
mjitf2lhiegu 0.0010 0 97.08%
skenopq1qyod 0.0010 0 97.08%
yifangjiaxue 0.0006 0 96.92%
xxx111222xxx 0.0003 0 90.30%
asxhhryc2153 0.0002 0 97.37%
lxmwhjlxmwhj 0.0002 0 93.14%
chandansahoo 0.0001 0 96.28%
chenguosheee 0.0001 0 97.30%
cryptohidden 0.0001 0 93.67%
falconspacex 0.0001 0 93.67% 0.0001 0 91.73%
jaegerjaquez 0.0001 0 78.12%
jessicaburts 0.0001 0 35.59%
lovefish1214 0.0001 0 93.83%
mubashireosj 0.0001 0 97.34%
nan555555552 0.0001 0 93.32%
penpineapple 0.0001 0 10.11%
tanchunri321 0.0001 0 94.07%
warehouseman 0.0001 0 93.67%
wxs5rgmtnuld 0.0001 0 96.28%
zhangyeoseos 0.0001 0 95.15%
zhousitong12 0.0001 0 96.66%