Support us by voting for alohaeosprod!

dONe Proxy vote

VOICE Of Community, VOTE Of Community

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 0
Proxied EOS: 682
Total EOS: 682
Total EOS Decay: 23
Total EOS Decay Percent: 3.40%
Candidate Votes: 4
Proxied Accounts: 74

Voting Philosophy

You can either vote by voting or vote by not voting. If you don't vote, someone else's vote counts more. Somewhere inside of all of us is the power to change the EOS multiverse.

# Voting criteria
- Transparency and Approachable information
- Technical Ability (contribution to network performance)
- Contribution to EOSIO ecosystem (tool development)
- Engaging with community and Promoting education
- Geographic diversity


This proxy is mainly designed for Korean EOS token holders who cannot afford deep involvement in on-chain governance or having trouble finding BP-related information. If you want to participate in Block Producer voting but are hesitant to vote because of lack of information, please delegate your voting rights to this proxy.

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
25 blockpooleos
33 EOSAmsterdam NL  
4 EOSphere AU  
2 GenerEOS AU  

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
g44dkmrtgige 208.9927 0 0.00%
guytcnrqgmge 187.0994 0 0.00%
gyytmoigenes 84.9165 0 0.00%
g43tkmzqgige 42.5744 0 0.00%
mastercrypto 36.8995 0 0.00%
gi3dqnigenes 36.5973 0 0.00%
kang2222eos5 22.3224 0 0.00%
he3tgmigenes 10.6436 0 0.00%
g44tiobzhage 6.2409 0 0.00%
steemdonekim 2.7283 0 1.32%
seriyoonqsun 2.6560 0 1.32%
eosioemanate 2.5541 0 1.32%
guytknzvhege 2.2821 1 35.59%
ha2tenrugqge 2.2819 1 35.59%
g44dqojqguge 2.2386 1 36.44%
g44dknrzguge 2.0309 1 37.28%
haydcmztgage 1.6003 1 68.64%
guztknrtgqge 1.5723 1 68.64%
tipsybosphor 1.3077 1 68.64%
gyzdgnjqgage 1.2037 1 68.64%
gu3tcmzugqge 1.0003 1 68.64%
gyzdiobtgyge 1.0003 1 68.64%
g43tkojtguge 1.0002 1 68.64%
hazdemjthage 0.9509 1 68.64%
kangysicequb 0.6001 0 68.64%
gyztcnbvgege 0.5501 0 68.64%
haydinrsgege 0.5099 0 68.64%
ha2tgojwgige 0.5083 0 68.64%
ha3donrwguge 0.5032 0 68.64%
haydomrvhage 0.4786 0 68.64%
guztsnbxguge 0.4576 0 68.64%
gu2tcobxhage 0.4347 0 68.64%
gy2dgnbrgyge 0.4088 0 68.64%
heydsmrxgmge 0.4012 0 68.64%
gy2dsnbuguge 0.4002 0 68.64%
g43tonrsguge 0.4001 0 68.64%
g44dinjzgqge 0.4001 0 68.64%
g44tanjwguge 0.4001 0 68.64%
g44tanrvguge 0.4001 0 68.64%
g44tonjrg4ge 0.4001 0 68.64%
ge3tmmrvgqge 0.4001 0 68.64%
gu2dcnbqgige 0.4001 0 68.64%
gu2tknzsgyge 0.4001 0 68.64%
gu2tonzsg4ge 0.4001 0 68.64%
gu2toojugige 0.4001 0 68.64%
gu3tcmbthage 0.4001 0 68.64%
gu4dcobvgmge 0.4001 0 68.64%
gu4domzyhage 0.4001 0 68.64%
ha3tcnrygage 0.4001 0 68.64%
ha3tonzwhage 0.4001 0 68.64%
haydeojvguge 0.4001 0 68.64%
haydimrtgage 0.4001 0 68.64%
haydinrsgqge 0.4001 0 68.64%
haytcnjuhage 0.4001 0 68.64%
haytimjvgige 0.4001 0 68.64%
haytknjwgege 0.4001 0 68.64%
haytomzvgige 0.4001 0 68.64%
haytoojtgege 0.4001 0 68.64%
hazdamzrgege 0.4001 0 68.64%
hazdcnzsgyge 0.4001 0 68.64%
hazdgmrqgyge 0.4001 0 68.64%
hazdimbtgyge 0.4001 0 68.64%
hazdknzvgage 0.4001 0 68.64%
haztonjwgege 0.4001 0 68.64%
hezdamzzgyge 0.4001 0 68.64%
gu4tmnrsgege 0.4000 0 68.64%
haytqnbrgige 0.3432 0 68.64%
g44dknzxgage 0.2610 0 68.64%
12345trewqas 0.2561 0 68.64%
g44tenzvgege 0.2277 0 68.64%
cryptanalyst 0.2001 0 68.64%
neromik12345 0.2001 0 68.64%
ha4dsnzzg4ge 0.0047 0 68.64%
hjeosaccount 0.0002 0 68.64%