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Official Scatter Proxy

The gold standard for defining the best Block Producers

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 1
Proxied EOS: 1,125
Total EOS: 1,126
Total EOS Decay: 811
Total EOS Decay Percent: 72.04%
Candidate Votes: 28
Proxied Accounts: 27

Voting Philosophy

- High-level infrastructure
- Community focus and standing
- Tooling creation
- Governance participation
- Global coverage


As a prominent member of the EOS community, Scatter is a trusted and permanent fixture. We have in the past taken a neutral stance within the community, but we feel that it is time to take a stand for the core values which we think will bring about a stronger, more egalitarian Mainnet.

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
33 Aloha EOS US  
41 bitfinexeos1
32 CryptoLions🦁 UA  
677 cypherglasss US  
28 EOS Authority GB  
58 EOS Cafe Block CA  
11 EOS Nation CA  
27 EOS Rio 💙 BR  
4 EOS Titan BG  
43 EOS42 DE  
34 EOSAmsterdam NL  
675 eoscanadacom
68 eosDublin IE  
80 eosiomeetone SG  
13 eoslaomaocom
94 eosnairobike KE  
676 eosnewyorkio CK  
15 EOSphere AU  
678 eosswedenorg SE  
3 Everstake UA  
1 GenerEOS AU  
18 Greymass CA  
70 hkeoshkeosbp HK  
19 Newdex KY  
62 NodeONE☝️ KR  
57 okcapitalbp1
118 vote4scatter

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay
guzdimbvgmge 407.9151 239 58.51%
freewarriors 401.1007 387 96.38%
kagawasantdp 201.0001 118 58.51%
ramdeathtest 25.9716 15 58.51%
ha4tkmzyguge 18.9001 11 58.51%
resolutkimdh 16.8433 10 58.51%
chamkaurghag 12.0410 7 58.51%
gu3tinrthege 10.1001 6 58.51%
gi4dknrxhage 4.7226 3 58.51%
ha3dqmrzg4ge 3.9001 2 58.51%
ramijames123 3.5465 2 58.51%
gqztqojvgyge 3.4373 2 58.51%
gu2tmmrzgene 2.9002 2 58.51%
hurtmeplenty 2.5143 1 58.51%
ha4dgmjygene 2.0004 1 58.51%
hashtothesun 1.8120 1 58.51%
steelseries5 1.0675 1 58.51%
qingqingyuan 1.0595 1 92.47%
spinachstake 1.0319 1 58.51%
gm4taojvhage 1.0001 0 47.26%
2222222222cq 0.5101 0 58.51%
kriptonic115 0.5008 0 58.51%
gmytonbygqge 0.4762 0 58.51%
digiarteosio 0.2048 0 96.88%
robertan321x 0.1586 0 96.66%
luckkingsta2 0.0200 0 96.38%
lkkkkkkkkkky 0.0002 0 58.51%