Support us by voting for alohaeosprod!


Support the small ones! Stark für die Kleinen!

EOS Mainnet
Account EOS: 0
Proxied EOS: 0
Total EOS: 0
Total EOS Decay: 0
Total EOS Decay Percent: 0.00%
Candidate Votes: 30
Proxied Accounts: 0

Voting Philosophy

he proxy will foster decentralization and ensure diversity of block producers by prefering standby or yet unpaid block producers

Candidate Votes

Rank Name Country
139 activeeoscom US  
194 blockgenesys GB  
250 btccpooleos1
207 buildteameos
156 chainclubeos
94 csxcommunity DE  
195 cypherblocks
672 cypherglasss US  
48 dexeosbpnode
21 EOS Asia KY  
18 EOS Nation CA  
85 eosBarcelona ES  
75 eosedubpbest DE  
105 eosgermanybp
151 eosnetworkio
673 eosswedenorg SE  
95 geosoneforbp
431 hezdenbsg4ge
84 jedaaaaaaaaa JP  
630 marketcapone
372 marketstackd
402 nasdaqnasdaq
154 sheleaders21
386 sheleadersbp
26 slowmistiobp
361 spearfundoh1
451 starteosio.m CN  
482 welovecaohai
377 zeroxeosnode FR  
465 zoltanfrnczf

Proxied Accounts

EOS EOS Decay % Decay